Applied Information Sciences
Statistical Science of Complex Systems D16
- Prof. Atsushi Yoshimoto
- Assoc. Prof. Fumikazu Miwakeichi
- Assoc. Prof. Shinsuke Koyama
KeywordsSpatio-temporal analysis, Time Series Analysis, Stochastic Control Analysis, Resource Growth Analysis, Neural data analysis
Statistical and mathematical modeling in the complex systems and its applications
Our research focuses on statistical and mathematical models for predicting and controlling natural and socio-economic resource change within deterministic and stochastic frameworks. Through field survey, we conduct research on sustainable resource management as a socio-economic system. One of our current projects concerns risk evaluation and economic analysis of sustainable forest resource management through wildlife corridor issues (Fig. 2). (Yoshimoto)
I am interested in discovering the patterns and structures that are essential for understanding various phenomena observed in natural and social systems. For this purpose, I have been developing mathematical and statistical methodology based on stochastic modeling and Bayesian analysis. My current research ranges over a variety of topics: neural systems, metabolic networks, epidemic models and social networks. (Koyama)
My research field is structural analysis and prediction of complex and diverse systems through the approach of statistical time series analysis. Mainly my research aims to elucidate the functional connectivity among neurons or brain regions in the field of neuroinformatics (Fig. 1). Recently, I am also involving research on component decomposition and nonlinear analysis to understand and predict the mechanism of plasma turbulence generation and its sudden collapse. (Miwakeichi)
Estimated functional causal connectivity among inspiratory neurons in the brain stem
Wildlife corridor network through aggregation of forest units for sustainalbe forest resource management