Human-Social Information Sciences

Road Transportation and Traffic C13

  • Prof. Takashi Akamatsu      
  • Assoc. Prof. Yusuke Hara    
Keywordstransportation planning, spatial economic systems, infrastructure, system optimization, mathematical programming, equilibrium problems, data science for urban transportation system, travel behavior analysis, mechanism design

Planning and management of spatial economic systems, and data science for urban transportation system

This group consists of Akamatsu laboratory and Hara laboratory.
 Akamatsu Labo studies mathematical and computational methodologies for planning/managing urban/transportation systems in the following three fields.
1)Transportation Science & Transportation Planning: We develop novel transportation demand management schemes to solve road congestion problems by exploiting recent advances in information technologies and computational mechanism design theory. 
2)Regional Science & Spatial Economics: Most of the world’s population is strikingly concentrated in a limited number of areas. We study mathematical models to explain the economic mechanisms of such agglomeration patterns in geographical space. 
3)Investment Science & Mathematical Finance: Urban infrastructures are exposed to various risks due to changes in economic environment. We develop control-theoretic methods to achieve better decisions for investment / management of infrastructure systems under uncertainty.
 Hara Labo studies 
1) Data science for urban transportation system: A methodology for data science using a variety of big data, such as GPS trajectories of people and vehicles, tweets on social media, etc., with a view to understanding and clarifying urban activities. 
2) Mechanism design for urban and transportation system: we use game-theoretic methodologies to design the rule and price for implementing new mobility in cities, such as automated vehicles, mobility sharing services, and Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
  • Evolutionary process of agglomeration patterns in the course of decreasing transportation cost (Spatial Period Doubling Bifurcation)

  • Deployment of GPS trajectory analyzer