System Information Sciences

Intelligent Systems Science B05

  • Prof. Ayumi Shinohara      
  • Assoc. Prof. Ryo Yoshinaka      
KeywordsString Processing, Machine Learning, Data Compression

Artificial Intelligence and String Processing

Intelligent Systems have evolved rapidly with the evolution of information technology. In future information society, more intellectual, human-friendly, and robust systems are demanded. In this laboratory, we study several problems related to intelligent systems, both from theoretical and practical points of view.

Artificial Intelligence, Foundations and Applications

We study fundamental theories of Artificial Intelligence with practical applications on knowledge discovery and machine learning. We are interested in theoretical aspects on pattern discovery and feature extraction from time series data, similarity measures to effective classifications, and solving puzzles and games with their computational complexities. Practical applications include card/board games, and controlling autonomous robots.

String Processing and Data Compression

String is one of the most basic structures to hold and transmit information. Nowadays, enormous text data is accumulated due to recent popularization of Internet, and technology to process huge amount of text data has become important more and more. We study data structures and algorithms for efficient string processing and data compression. Especially we focus our attention to develop efficient algorithms to perform pattern matching and feature extraction from given compressed data without explicit decompression. We also study on combinatorial properties of strings, which would be helpful for fast string processing, and develop information retrieval systems that are useful for research activities.

  • Permuted Pattern Matching Problem on Multi-Track

  • Applications